Expanding The Kingdom Through Discipleship And Equipping Others With The Knowledge And Study Of The Living And Breathing Word Of God

Habakkuk 2:14

About Me (Julian)

From the earliest I can remember I have been involved in the church. I grew up on a Christian bible camp where many kids have come to faith over the years and where I got to see the Lord move in many different ways! but at a young age we had dealt with a traumatic incident within our family and from there it grew very hard to understand where The Lord was in my life and after the incident I had grown very sick and remained that way for many years. With everything going on my father was also in the midst of following the calling placed on his heart as a pastor and church planter and that came with its own forms of hard growth and pressure I had felt I had to live up to that was never really there. After years of this I had wanted to walk away from my faith and carve my own path, and this was where I believe The Lord started working on my heart. In my time of self searching I had served in my local fire department and had believed that was where I was called to be. After spending some time in service I had seen some very difficult situations that I couldn’t process and couldn’t bring myself to be in those situations anymore and had openly denounced my faith. But thankfully by the Grace of God I met someone who had had just come out of ministry in YWAM and had shared their testimony with me and it hit me in a way I didn’t expect it to. That night I went home feeling empty and like I was missing something in my life. I found my bible next to my nightstand and I opened it up to the first page and for the first time in many years I prayed that The Lord would speak to me, and He did through a note my parents had written on the first page of my bible saying that I was loved and held so closely and dearly by The Father and that He had a plan for me followed by Proverbs 3:5-7 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.” It was the story of both my life before Jesus and what He was going to teach me in the future. After that night I gave my life to the Lord whole heartedly and committed my life to the mission field! I have spent the last year with YWAM doing discipleship schools and going on mission to Ukraine. I have seen the grace that God has given to me and the hardship He has saved me from and taught me. I am still pursuing a career in the mission field involving discipling others and studying the Word Of The Lord to bring to every nation and expand the kingdom.

Currently I have felt called by The Lord to further pursue who God is to me and I couldn’t think of a better way to do that than through the School of Biblical Studies at YWAM Montana! School of Biblical Studies(SBS) is a 9-month training school focused on learning who The Lord is on a personal level through the in-depth study of His Word. In this program they use the inductive method of study through every book in the Bible, which is a three-point system based on Observation, Interpretation, and Application, as well as lectures done by people and professors who have been through the program or have a wealth of knowledge in the field of theology and missions, ready and willing to equip us as the next generation of leaders for the work of the Kingdom. Then we will write a commentary based on the study of the individual books and find ways to apply it to our lives and the mission field we are currently in and going into both locally and internationally. This is also followed up by the daily base life of serving each other in different jobs around the base and in different capacities within the community while we are living in the Kalispell, Montana area! After completion of the program, we can go to the next step called the Titus project which is 3 months long and is focused on taking what you have just learned from the 9 months of rigorous study, and helping to educate others around the world who do not have the ability to come to a school like this. This is also a piece of the application part of our study from the previous 9 months where we get to physically go and live out the great commission internationally by not only bringing The Gospel there but bringing the Kingdom closer to the earth by bringing others into it by teaching.

This is where you can be a part of the mission that God has called me to and is currently equipping me for. As much as I wish it was so, traveling and schooling are not free, and I will need financial partners to get me to where God is calling me. And more important than that is prayer partners that will be supporting me through the mountaintops and the valleys of the mission field and this life we live. I feel that if I have a strong group of prayer supporters, then the challenges I will face in the upcoming months will be much lighter and easier through the help of your intercession. If you feel called to give financially you may do so through the attached places below. For more information or to be added to my email list, please email me at lorrainejulian086@gmail.com


PayPal: Julian Lorraine

Or for checks, you can write out the desired amount, write “For Julian Lorraine for SBS” in the memo line, and then mail it to the base at

501 Black Tail Rd, Lakeside, MT 59922

Prayer And Financial Support!